Saturday, August 10, 2013

My first set of aligners!

Days before the start of my 2-year journey with invisalign and the "time constraints" that are gonna come with it, I had a good time enjoying my favourite food in the longest time possible and also had a buffet! So, I'm all ready to step into treatment!

The appointment in getting my first set of aligners was exciting and thankfully, smooth-sailing as well! The aligners fit in pretty easily, weren't uncomfortable and I didn't have much issues removing them as well. Removing the aligners wasn't painful for me, but probably will "hurt" my nail polish after a few more tries haha.

 "Chewies" were also given and gotta be used every time I wear the aligners on. As the name goes, u gotta chew/bite down on it with ur aligners on, so that the aligners will fit ur teeth better. Aligners will have to worn optimally 22 hours a day, so that works out to about 30mins per meal? With the remaining time set aside for brushing, flossing, and cleaning of the aligners.

I was told that I could only take cool water with the aligners on. No hot water because the heat may "melt" the plastic and alter its shape and therefore your treatment. Anything else, aligners have to off. Which means a little more trouble if you're craving for that bag of chips or a piece of chocolate, or if you happen to just walk past Starbucks and get tempted by their Java Chip drink :(

Okay, that's just me.

Teeth will have to brushed before aligners are put back on so that u don't trap dirt inside and get straight-but-rotted teeth at the end of the treatment. For the fuller package of very-good oral hygiene, I shall get into the routine of flossing daily as well!

Aligners have to be maintained, if not they're just gonna be gross material u place in ur mouth. Basic cleaning is easily done with a toothbrush and some toothpaste, but care has to be taken to not be too rough in case you break the aligners! The advice given to me was to ensure the entire aligner was on my palm when I brush it so I exert equivalent pressure instead of exerting too much on one side. I've been brushing my aligners at least twice daily, and so far they seem pretty hygienic to me. So let's hope that'll keep them sufficiently clean for the 2-week period!

top: without aligners
bottom: with aligners

I simply loveeeee how literally invisible the aligners are! And I'm just glad the long-awaited journey has finally started for me :)

My next appointment will be 2 weeks after, whereby I'll get my 2nd set of aligners, have attachments added on, and also get aligners #3 and #4, because reviews are gonna be 6-weekly in future :) Can't wait!

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